Before adopting your future Barvinok Siberian Kitten, you may want to check out our FAQ for quick answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can also browse the various pages of the website to find interesting information about Siberian breed of cats and our breeding goals.o know that the families worldwide are so happy with their Barvinok Siberian Cats. We are deeply touched knowing that we succeed in creating and generating happiness in many people’s lives. 

You must contact us for more information. If everything suits you, you will need to leave a deposit to reserve your Barvinok Siberian Kitten.

The best way is to contact us to be added to our waiting list. We ask for a deposit of 200 USD which will be deducted from the price of your future Barvinok Siberian Kitten. You will be able to choose your Barvinok Siberian Kitten first, with the other people on the waiting list (in order of arrival). Also, paying a deposit you ensure the price of your future Barvinok Siberian Kitten.

If you are inquiring our future litters please note that you can wait for a while (pregnancy will take 9 weeks and kitten will grow up 16-18 weeks), 6 months from the mating. This means that you can have a minimum of 6 months wait. Please also note that we accept the reservations all year long toward our future litters. Last minute cancellations and openings are made available to those who are already on our reservation list. 

The best way is to be added to our waiting list, allowing you to be the first to know and choose when your turn comes. 

Yes, sure! You can choose a new name or decide to keep the one we gave him, or we can choose the official name together with you.

We deliver our kittens worldwide (by plane), the price will vary from country to country and with respect to all legislative conditions. We take care of everything so that your new family member arrives safe and sound. You only need to pick your kitten up at your nearest airport. 

We use only official shipping companies (CARGO) or I deliver a Kitten by myself in person to You. 

We adhere to the official delivery rules (at least 16 weeks old for international delivery)

Yes! Siberian cats love children, dogs and other cats because it puts action into their lives. It is only a matter of time before they play and sleep together. Make sure you have respectful kids and pets for your new Barvinok Siberian Kitten.

The sex of your new kitten does not matter as long as both are neutered or spayed. They will get along very well whether they are of the same sex or not. The age gap will make a bigger difference.

As long as your companion is neutered or spayed, there is not much difference between the sexes. Usually, males tend to be more affectionate, and females are more independent, but over the years we have noticed that females can be extremely affectionate and loving as well. You can have shy males and really extroverted females and vice versa. It all depends on their own personality. Each kitten or cat is different, and that is why we always try to place the right Barvinok Siberian in the right family.

Yes and No. Siberians are often a good choice for allergy sufferers, as they produce less FEL d1 protein in their saliva, which is responsible for most allergies to the cats. Yes, it is the saliva, not as commonly assumed the hair, that people are allergic to.

You may have noticed that you are less allergic to them than to other cats, and if so, it is great! However it is not possible to affirm that Siberians are hypoallergenic cats. But if you suffer from a cat allergy that is not too severe, there is a very good chance that you could live happily with a Siberian cat. And, which is also important to know, neutered Siberian cats produce even less quantities of the allergen. 

We cannot guarantee that you will not develop allergies over time. We do not offer any trial period either, so make sure you make the right decision for you and your Siberian before adopting him or her. What will you do with your Siberian Kitten if you develop allergies? This is something very important to consider.

Yes and No. Siberians are often a good choice for allergy sufferers, as they produce less FEL d1 protein in their saliva, which is responsible for most allergies to the cats. Yes, it is the saliva, not as commonly assumed the hair, that people are allergic to.

You may have noticed that you are less allergic to them than to other cats, and if so, it is great! However it is not possible to affirm that Siberians are hypoallergenic cats. But if you suffer from a cat allergy that is not too severe, there is a very good chance that you could live happily with a Siberian cat. And, which is also important to know, neutered Siberian cats produce even less quantities of the allergen. 

Siberian cats do not require special attention, just occasional grooming, which will help them to keep their coat in a perfect condition. We personally only use a metal comb Chris Christensen butter comb 000, which gets down to the skin and helps to avoid any signs of matting. 

Siberian coat is firm triple coat and is water-repellent. Siberians are very difficult to wet. Even though they like water, it is important not to bathe them too often, as the hair might become less resistant to water. A Bath is only necessarily if you had some accident (mud etc.). It is not desirable to cut the Siberian coat: in this case the coat will become very soft and matted. Our cats shed in spring every year.

Siberian cats bond exceptionally well with people and more importantly, seem to sense which family member is supposed to be their Best Friend. Often the owners who already got their first Siberian, decide that one Siberian is simply not enough!

Though Siberians do not require as much attention as dogs, their loyal, familiar and participative character makes them want to be surrounded by people. Siberian Cats are very personable and want to be near their owners and family members. It is important not to leave them alone for long periods of time as they miss their family.  

If you are rarely home or want a cat that will entertain itself – the Siberian forms strong bonds with his/her family and will become lonely without regular interaction.

In such case we advise you to get two Siberian Kittens so they will stay together and wait for you coming back. Two cats can interact with each other while you are at work, and then when you come back home, they will be very happy to spend time with you.