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We would like to welcome you here at our blog where we will share with you many interesting informations and facts about the Siberian Cats and Cats in general.
We will try not to write longreads, so it will be useful and also easy to read 🙂
Enjoy !

The mission of a cat is to cleanse your life of negative energy. If you have a cat, be sure to thank her for what she does for you and your home.
Many people think that cats do nothing but eat, sleep, and meow.
However, these animals bring a lot of benefits to their owners, and this happens on an energetic level. Cats work diligently to rid our lives of negative energy.
Yes, some of them are naturally lazy, but you may have noticed that even a small kitten always tries to come and comfort you when you feel down.
This is one of the many ways pets help you cleanse yourself of negativity and achieve harmony with the surrounding world.
People have long known about the magical power of cats. The source of this power is their incredible ability to sense subtle energies. Dogs protect us and our homes from intruders, while cats protect the space and us from encountering uninvited guests of another kind – negative energy substances.
Have you ever closely observed a cat’s behavior? It may seem strange and mysterious compared to dogs, which are more cheerful and emotionally dependent on their owners. Cats behave much more calmly and distantly. It seems like they are constantly interacting with something invisible, even if they live with us.
This happens because they have a connection with higher levels of existence – those levels that are not visible to the human eye. You may have noticed your cat sitting and staring at some immobile point, as if seeing something we cannot perceive with our eyes. Perhaps, that’s the case.
The universe consists of various forms of energy, whether positive or negative, all constantly in motion. Cats are like magnets for negative energy. The more it accumulates in a particular place, the more these animals feel the need to absorb and transform it.
If you’ve noticed that your cat spends a lot of time in a specific room, know that it’s not a coincidence. The more relaxed your furry friend is, the harder she works, whether you realize it or not. Moreover, cats are capable of protecting people from curses, hexes, and similar things. Therefore, it’s essential to have more contact with your pet, as if she were a talisman or amulet, allowing her to protect you from the evil eye and negative thoughts of others.
To harness the full power of a cat, it’s necessary to learn how to pick up the pet correctly. You should use your left hand to slowly stroke the cat’s neck and your right hand to pet her tail. This will create full contact with the cat and allow you to fully enjoy all her wonderful abilities.
It is believed that cats have healing power. By petting or simply lying next to them, you can completely rid yourself of the burden of emotional stress. So, a cat is a powerful means of cleansing the surrounding space from negative energy. If you have a cat, be sure to thank her for what she does for you and your home.
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